Grants Criteria
Grants Criteria
The Trust makes grants to individual members of the clergy, clergy widows and clergy widowers provided the clergy member currently works or previously worked in the Diocese of St Albans. Grant applications are considered in the following categories:
- Standard Living Grant for clergy and their dependents – an annual means-tested grant to support those facing exceptional costs and circumstances with a typical payment of £1250.
- Special Grant for clergy and their dependents – a one-off grant up to £5000 to mitigate financial hardship which has arisen due to unforeseen circumstances such as illness or accident. We will also consider applications for grants to support the wellbeing of clergy, including respite and vacation.
- Newly appointed and retiring clergy – a one-off £1000 grant to clergy arriving or retiring in the Diocese of St Albans only. In these cases, grants are paid on request and endorsement by the Diocese.
- Retreats for clergy – applications for a grant to meet the costs of a retreat at St Mary & Martha or a similar venue will be considered from any member of the clergy in the Diocese of St Albans after 20 years in ministry.
Grant-making Process
All eligible grant requests will go through a three-stage process as follows:
- Review of information provided and clarification as necessary
- Review of application by the Grants Committee
- Approval by the Trustees at next Board meeting
Unless there are compelling reasons, the Trust will not normally make grants to support private education, private medical and healthcare costs, rental or mortgage payments, motor car acquisition, debt repayment or office equipment.
The Grant Administration team will be happy to provide further guidance.
For more information visit The Jane Cart Trust | Bedfordshire & Luton Community Foundation or contact the administrator on 01525 306690 or email